Friday, December 22, 2006
  My new house!
There is so much talk among my friends who are getting married about their new housing. Well, though I'm not getting married, I still get to post pictures of my new house! = )

This is the outside of my new place...

I'm on the 1st floor on the unit to the left. This is how it looks on the inside without any furnishing. I'll need to slowly furnish my place to make it look nice and cosy!

You know what's the best thing? The carpet is brand new and it was recently given a new coat of paint. When I was there, the contractors were laying the new carpet. It's really cool! I even have a separate bedroom. The whole unit is 530 sq ft, and there will be ample space for anyone of you who wishes to visit me. The best thing ... there is a church just 50 steps away from my doorstep!

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