Thursday, December 21, 2006
  Residence Inn Marriott
Here's where my family and I are staying until this Friday. I really like the place we're staying. It's near the metro - Richmond Heights and near St. Louis Gallaria, a major shopping area. It's really comfortable and cozy and everyone is happy! So it's like *phew*! That takes care of my family.

This is the front view of our place - 1422! When my sis first entered, she liked the place. We stay in the unit at the top right. It has a split level unit and comes in 2 queen size beds. One at the bottom and the other on the 2nd level. So the guys sleep at the bottom and the gals at the top. I have a little problem sleeping with Dad sometimes ... I find myself woken up at night either by his snores or without a blanket (which I need to pull it back from him!)

It even comes with a nice fireplace which my sis asked if we could have a fire. I was like hmm....? *scratch head* How to answer that?

And here's Dad and sis over the meal table. Glad to have my family with me. It really makes transition much easier and of course it helps in terms of luggage allowances. I've lots of things so I don't need to buy much here to start up!
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Location: St Louis, Missouri, United States

I'm a social worker! "I help others so that one day they will go round helping others!"

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