Wednesday, January 17, 2007
  Little Squirrels
I love observing all the little squirrels. You get to see a couple of them here and there. They squint around, hurriedly moving from place to place looking for food I suppose. It's not easy to catch one on the camera. They look so cute.

I had my first lession on social work practice with gays, lesbians and transexuals. It's a small class of 10 and I must say that the reading is like WAHHHHH. A whole list of readings with 5 recommended books and 2 optional books. Somehow I don't know why but the textbooks here are super expensive. Some in the range of USD$80 - $100. I think I would shop online. My coursemate was telling met that it'll be cheaper to buy online. Anyway, I picked up one book from campus which I would need to read before the next lesson. This is the title, and this is how the cover looks ...

Hmm... any comments? Looks very apt for the topic isn't it? It's actually a novel of a homosexual teenager. I think our lecturer got us to read this for the first week so at least there are some basis for discussion.

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Location: St Louis, Missouri, United States

I'm a social worker! "I help others so that one day they will go round helping others!"

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