Monday, January 01, 2007
  Times Square
I was really thankful to join half a million people at Times Square. Security was tight with bag and body checks just to enter the area.

Haha... but look what C. managed to smuggle into the area ...

He managed to smuggle in 4 bottles of hard liquor and 2 bottles of champagne. Well, these are some of the people I made friends with during the countdown. Met up with a New Yorker, a Dutch and 2 Australians (Tasmania)! Their company made the countdown really fun!

This is my view at Times Square. I was really in a good spot with the ball drop in front of me and the stage behind. I was really in the heart of it all!

It came to a point when they started to throw out official goodie bags and I caught one! I was really so happy with it. I just jumped as high as I could and held tightly to a packet once I touched one. This is what was inside the bags ...

I was there like 8 hours before the countdown itself. Can you imagine having to squeeze with everyone for that long? That was the longest time I ever stood at a single spot. Anyway, during that period, every hour was something which we could look foreward to as we countdown for a particular country crossing their new year. So I actually had 8 countdowns......

What was really memorable, were all the confetti which fell on us at every hour. Can you imagine experiencing heavy rain of confetti?

As we approached midnight, there was a sense of excitment. The atmosphere was really electrifying

And at midnight, we popped the 2 bottles of champagne and shared it with everyone around us... It was really fun as we just hugged each other and wished everyone a Happy New Year! It was really amazing that we just hugged anybody!

This is the aftermath of Times Square ...

Happy New Year everyone!!!

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Location: St Louis, Missouri, United States

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