Wednesday, January 03, 2007
  United Nations
Yaps... these are some of my pics taken at the United Nations. Even though this was in New York, it is actually international land! Yaps, that piece of land doesn't belong to USA.
I've often heard so much about the UN but I was always not sure of what exactly do they do. Signed up for a tour of the UN! My tour guide was a Swedish and he brought us into all the chambers and explained it's function to us. Does this place look familar? One thing interesting about the UN, they employ their own Police, Military and Post Office. I actually lined up to send postcards to Felicia and my Sis and it was just my luck to be behind an avid stamp collector. I actually had to wait half hour just to send my postcards. Had a chat with that guy and he apologized for the wait. He said he travelled all the way from California just to buy stamps. 'When you're a stamp collector, you'll do anything just to get your stamps ..."
I was also impressed with the exhibits within UN. They had special gifts from all over the world which were presented to the UN. Pope John Paul II had a gift of a mosaic picture of a dove. China had a beautiful ivory carving, USA had a gift of a picture "Do unto others what you will do onto yourself". What struck me was the exhibit on the effects of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. You see this pic ... it's actually metal cans fused together by the bomb.
It was really an educational trip for me! I was a bit bo-liao at the end ... I purposely walked outside UN to look for our Singapore flag. Yeah ... and I found it!
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