Thursday, June 16, 2005

Me and all my lecturers!!

(Left to right)
Prof Paul Cheung (Former Chief Statistician of Singapore, presently Director of United Nations Statistics Division) , A/P Vasoo (Former MP Tanjong Pagar), Dr. Alex Lee, A/P Maliki (Parliamentary Secretary of Ministry of National Development, MP Sembawang GRC), A/P Tan Ngoh Tiong, John Ang

What's John Ang doing huh? I still rem he wanted to introduce his son to Ally ... haha. And of course who will not forget Paul Cheung and all his corny jokes! "Oh... I forgot what I wanted to say... change in air pressure". I remembered we had this gathering of my honours class at my house to celebrate the end of honours year. This photo was taken at this gathering.
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