Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  And more pictures!
Here I am in Washington D.C. Have always seen these places either on TV, movies, in newspapers or on US dollars. Wow and now I actually get to visit them myself!

This is the White House. I always thought that the White House was really big but acutally it's like maybe the size of the Istana back in Singapore? Was interesting to see a "protest camp" set up just outside the White House. There is an elderly couple staying inside the white "tent". I took a walk in front and saw a note that they have been there since 1981 24/7. I'm not too sure how effective their protest campaign has been but it appears that people are just ignoring their "blabbings". Appears to me that they are just trying to legitimize their homelessness. Visited Hershey's Chocolate World too! Somehow it just reminded me of Willy Wonka. Told my sister to be careful and not fall into a pond of hot chocolate! I felt very much like a child too!
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