Friday, December 22, 2006
  Interesting Numbers in USA Today
Some interesting numbers which I read about in USA Today

Scared at school?
Percentage of students ages 12-18 who were bullied at school during the previous six months, by location of bullying:
Inside school: 79%
Outside of school grounds: 28%
School bus: 8%
Somewhere else: 5%
(USA Today, December 20, 2006)

Not too alarming and surprising considering students spent most of their times in school. I think the numbers will be similar with Singapore. I do see some cases of students being bullied outside school grounds, but most are inside school. Will be interesting to know the nature of bullying faced by students inside school... = )

Suicide rates spikes among troops sent to Iraq War
Suicide rate per 100,000 soldiers:
2004: 10.5
2005: 19.9
Suicide rate among troops deployed for Iraq War reached it's hightest point last year since the 2003 invasion.
(USA Today, December 20, 2006)

This is something which we don't hear much about. No wonder Bush is facing so much pressure over the Iraq war. He admitted recently at they are "not winning the war" but fall short of admitting that they are "losing the war". I guess the stress and pressure faced by soldiers when the invasion first started in 2003 had it's toll on the soldiers. Things got better over time in 2004 but looks like the prolonged war is zapping the soldiers and soldiers are starting to snap!

Premarital sex common for decades, study finds
A study which used statistics from the 1982, 1988, 1955 and 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, asked about 40,000 people ages 15-44 about their sexual behaviour and traced the trends in premarital sex back to the 1950s.

Of those interviewed, 95% reported they had had premarital sex; 93% said they did so by age 30. Among women born in the 1940s, nearly nine in 10 did. At the same time, people are waiting longer to marry; 2005 data show median age at first marriage is just over 25 for women and 27 for men.
(USA Today, December 20, 2006)

Wow. This is like erhm...? Are you sure about this? The figures are like super high! Is it valid? Can it be generalized? I remembered the report ending with a call for sexuality programme to move beyond abstinence only. I'm sure these numbers will be controversial. Anyway, this is the US isn't it? I suppose with more time i can comment further on the numbers ... =p
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