Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It's been freezing the last few days ...

This is my house's therometer which is conneted to the gas heaters. Can you believe it? It fell even below the lowest reading.

And this is the reading on my alarm clock which has a thermometer as well. You look at the bottom right and it reads zero deg celsius in room temperature!!! I think it cannot read any lower temperature.

This is the first time I've ever seen such readings since I came. The temp now ... -17 deg. Gosh ... it's really freezing.

Anyway, if you notice the top of my alarm clock, you'll see it's a little deformed. This was the result of putting my alarm clock in front of my heaters. Imagine the shock when I got up the next morning? I was really thankful it was not my glasses or my handphone. I better becareful of what goes in front of my heaters.

You know, it so cold that one of my clasmate was describing an incident where he left hhis waterbottle in his car and after a few hours when he returned, he wanted to drink from it and he got a shock that it was all ice. It was so funny hearing him narrate about it.

Anyway it's so cold that I have to put on many layers. This is I (and everyone else!!!) look these days ...

Don't you think I look like an astronaut?

Anyway, I like fresh snow. It really makes the place look beautiful. Whenever it snows, I always like to take a walk, kick the snow or drag my feet in the snow! = )

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