Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I've been getting a lot of snow the last 2 days. Been snowing since last night. It was rather cold over the weekend, it started to rain non stop on Sunday night, became freezing rain on Monday, before snowing non stop since Monday. The whole place is really filled with snow.

What I don't like is having to walk near roads. The cars just drive by and splash up dirty snow on you. I got my shoes really wet and dirty through crossing roads. Snow on the roads are black and dirty as a result of all the cars driving through it. Yucks!

I've not had so much snow since I came. There was a news report on CNN about the north being covered in snow till chest high. I don't think I'll have that much snow. The airport at Chicago is closed too due to the snow storm.

Oh... and my electricity was cut last night around 11pm. It was crazy. I was rushing an assignment to be handed in today and gosh ... I had to work in the dark. Thank goodness my laptop's battery was able to last me until I finished my assignment!

Anyway, power was restored this evening. Thank goodness! In fact, I was prepared to live in darkness for tonight.

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